Monday, December 31, 2012

Macy Moo | Months 4 & 5

Well, gorgeous girl, you're getting more beautiful each and every day.  You are quick to laugh with your brother and quick to smile with googley eyes at your daddy.

Month 4
.  You have the most adorable chunky thighs accompanied with rolls on your knees.  Weighing in at 11 pounds.
.  You started interacting with your brother.  If he's in the room, you're watching him.
.  We call you our little 'Good Morning' because you are always happy when you wake up.
.  You are sleeping from 9:00 - 5:00 or 6:00
.  You can be very stubborn. You will cry for an hour and half when Maddux would fall asleep after 30 minutes.  Maybe I should say you're strong-willed, not stubborn.
.  You met your cousin, Miss Indy, this month.

Month 5
.  You are laughing alllll of the time.
.  You love tubby time. You kick your chubby legs and flail your arms ... squealing the entire time.
.  Rolling over is still hit and miss. You can, but you're not consistent.
.  You have started waking up at 2:30 a.m. We think it's because you've started teething.  I can't seem to break you of the habit.
.  You love your daddy. You beam every time he looks at you.
.  You have the craziest bald spot of all time. The longer your hair gets [and it's growing fast!] the more apparent that big, bald spot is.  It makes me smile.
.  You love to hold hands. Whenever you are crying and I come to you, you grab ahold of my hands and will not let go.  You hold them close to your chest until you drift off to sleep.