Friday, November 30, 2012

Six years as Mrs. Oakey

** Just realizing I never published this post. It's been a draft for three months!

Six years, two kids and four cities later, I still love this man -- more than I thought possible. August 24, 2012 marked our sixth year of marriage.  Six years! We went to P.F. Changs to celebrate and that was almost as incredible as the last six years have been.  

I have decided as each year passes, we will each write down something we have learned about our marriage. I will compile our experiences and tid-bits and give them to our children when they get married. 

My two cents:

As I look at the past year [in combination with the previous years], I have come to really appreciate the companionship marriage offers. It's amazing to have someone who hurts when you hurt, smiles when you smile, and laughs when you laugh. As I have experienced the emotional tosses and turns that accompany my dad's health, I know Makay is going through them with me. It is amazing to have someone who will bear my burdens with me ... in all things. 

It's odd how it all works, and I'm not sure how it happens. When my heart aches and Makay puts his arms around me, I feel as if I'm sharing that pain with him.  He can feel it. By knowing and understanding what I'm experiencing helps me to overcome anything I'm going through. It's an incredible blessing. 

I've also learned to see my own faults instead of his.  I've learned this the hard way.  The Lord had to soccer punch me in the face. Sometimes I can be a little prideful and I didn't even realize it ... which, I guess, is being prideful in and of itself. My Makay is patient with me.  He loves me.  He allows me to find my own faults without telling me what they are.  I know he loves and appreciates me because he shows me.  I'm one lucky girl. 

Happy six years, Love.  Here's to infinity and beyond [or as Maddux says, "to the city, and beyond!"]