Monday, December 31, 2012

October Happenings

Macy was blessed this month.  She looked as beautiful as the blessing that was given. My parents, grandma, Sundito family, Dawson, Kinley and Derek were are able to be here.

Halloween was really fun this year.  Maddux was so excited to be Spiderman.  He ran around in his costume for weeks.  Little Macy was the cutest little bumblebee, and I was a pirate.  Makay was a working nurse -- literally.

Makay's birthday!  We worked hard to celebrate him all day long.  He woke up to breakfast in bed.  He was surprised with presents all day long, and we had the greatest friends of all time over for dinner.

The Color Run | The Happiest 5K on the Planet! This was the best run e.v.e.r.  We were sprayed with different colors of chalk throughout the entire race and then went crazy in a chalk-mosh-pit. I love these girls.