Thursday, September 27, 2012

He makes me happy

Maddux 3 | Macy 3 or 4 weeks

Today, I loved being a mom.  Let's get real now -- I don't always love being a mom.  It's difficult and exhausting, but today.  Today was awesome.  I had one of those moments that makes all of the hard moments worth it. I still don't even know exactly what happened.  I was just staring at Maddux as he jabbered on about what he learned in pre-school and this amazing feeling of love came over me.  I just love this boy so much!  I grabbed him mid-sentence and gave him a good, hard squeeze which, of course, turned into a wrestling match.

I haven't posted about Maddux [or anything] in awhile so here are some random moments/facts I want to keep with me forever.

Quick facts
{*}  Maddux is in pre-school this year.  He loves it.  I love it!  It's so fun to see his little mind soaking in knowledge. He walks around the house singing nursery rhymes [very loudly, I might add].

{*}  He's great at putting away the silverware and his clothes from the laundry.

{*}  He's all about routine, routine, routine. He definitely got this from me.  Some things just have to be done the same way.  For example, when it's time for bed he has to [1] go potty [2] put pajamas on [3] brush teeth [4] read scriptures [5] say prayers [6] sing FIVE songs {I Am a Child of God, I Love to See the Temple, Child's Prayer, Families Can Be Together Forever, Teach Me To Walk in the Light}.  These are all done in the same order every night.

{*}  He's known all of his upper-case and lower-case letters and their sounds for awhile. He's always telling me what words start with. "Baby Sister, mom, buh, buh, B!"

Maddux loves his daddy.
{*}  He drops whatever he's doing and scrambles to the door as soon as he hears Makay get home in the morning.

{*}  Maddux loves going on bike rides with dad.  Every night before bed he looks at Makay and says, "We go on bike ride later, dad?"

{*}  They have named themselves the Boys Team. Maddux is constantly turning everything into a competition and he runs around chanting, 'Boys team! Boys team!"

{*}  No one wrestles better and plays harder than dad.  I try, but I just can't compete with dad's hammer or half nelsons.

Maddux with Macy
{*}  When I was pregnant with Macy, I knew Maddux would be entertained by her when she made her big debut.  He has always loved babies.  What I didn't expect was this instant bond between them.  He truly loves her.

{*} Maddux always wants to show Macy his little achievements. "Look!  Look sister, I put on my jammies!" "Look at this mask I made at pre-school, sister. It's a lamb!"

{*}  He always gives her his blanket when she's crying.  This makes me all warm inside.

{*}  He's just pretty much always all over her.  Touching her, kissing her, dancing her, hugging her, trying to wrestle her [yikes!]. One time I caught him staring at her while she was sleeping. He told me he was keeping her safe. "I just love her, mom."

Best Buds
Maddux loves his friend, Jacob.  Jacob is probably involved in every other sentence that comes out of his mouth.  They play like friends and fight like brothers.  I love it.  

Funny/Sweet Sayings
{*}  Maddux crawled into bed with me when he woke up in the morning.  As we were getting up, I mentioned to myself [yes, I do talk to myself], "Ugh, I think I'm getting sick." Maddux stood up on the bed, put his hands on my head and said, 'I will give you a blessing, mom."

{*}   I really wanted Maddux to have some basic knowledge of what the Easter holiday celebrates. So, a month or so before Easter I purchased a book about Easter. He quickly became obsessed with it. He started spouting out one phrase per page as we read.  The book went like this, "Oh, no, Jesus' friends are sad." Turn page.  "Jesus died on the cross" Turn page. "Don't be cried, friends, don't be cried" Turn page. "Jesus lives!"

{*}  He says, "I be a berry good job, mom!"

 He thinks my breast pump is a telescope. 

First ride at the fair {or 'far' as he pronounces it}.


Unknown said...

So cute! One of the best things about being a parent is watching your kids be friends.

LoraAnn said...


LoraAnn said...

Your whole family makes me HAPPY! :)