Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2.5 months

My sweet Macy Grace. You are 2.5 months old and an absolute joy to have in our family.

- You were 11 pounds at your two month appointment - 26th percentile.
- You were in the 23rd percentile for height.
- You just started sleeping from 10:15 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.  eat  then back to bed until 9:00 a.m.
- You love your pacifier, but don't need it at night.
- You haven't lost any of your hair.  Eye color still unknown.
- You smile and coo easily and often.
- You are very patient with your brother. He loves you so much.

We love you, baby girl.


Kristin said...

She is so precious! I still can't get over how much hair she has! That is amazing! In the closer up picture of her and Maddux, she reminds me of you. Miss you!