Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I believe in angels.   I heard once the angels surrounding us are loved ones who have past on.  It makes my heart all warm inside thinking it works this way so I'd like to believe it's true.  Either way, loved ones who have past or unknown assigned guardians, I believe in angels and I'm thankful for a God who sends them. 

This morning Maddux woke up at 7:00am. Though Makay only had a few hours of sleep himself, he wanted me to sleep in. The decision was made to take an early morning bike ride to the park -- a favorite father/son pass time in this household. Of course, I was sleeping and knew nothing about their departure.  I woke up to a silent house -- no cartoons, no laughing, no sounds of pens and crayons coloring, no little man pretending to be Buzz Lightyear, no squeals as little feet jump off the couch and into a pile of pillows.  Just silence. 

I checked my phone for the time. 9:20. Oh, two missed calls at 9:18 -- one voicemail. Yawning, I check the message. "Alli. We're on a bike ride, and we've been in a little accident." My heart beats a little faster, but I assume he's popped a tire on his bike. "We're on McMillan by Five Mile." Good their close, I won't have to drive far. "Don't worry. Maddux is okay, but you should come and get him.  He's scared." Wait, what? Why would he be scared of a popped tire?  My heartbeat increases as I start considering all of the possibilities.  Simultaneously, I put on my shoes, grab my keys and redial the number. When I hear Makay's voice I start to get choked up when I ask if everyone is okay. He repeatedly tells me Maddux is fine. I cry harder.  I ask if he's okay.  He chokes up, tells me he's fine, and they've been hit by a car. I'm bawling. 

I can see them now. Maddux has his head buried in Makay's shoulder. I quickly try to dry my eyes as I park the car. I get out of the car, make eye contact with my husband, and lose it all over again. I throw my arms around both of them.  I'm crying, Makay's crying, and the poor lady who hit them looks terrified to speak to me.  

This is what happened: Makay and Maddux [Maddux is in a bike trailer] were coming home from the park. The lady who hit them was parked at a stop sign so Makay continued on his bike -- crossing the street. Just as his bike passed the car, she proceeded -- not seeing him or the trailer. Her car pulled directly into the trailer which threw Makay over his bike and totaled the trailer. Makay doesn't remember being thrown from the bike.  He only remembers hearing Maddux scream.  He thought Maddux had been pinned. He ran over to the trailer and was immediately able to see no long term damage had been done. Maddux was still buckled in the middle seat with no blood or broken bones. Upon further inspection, he realized not only were there no broken bones, but there were no scratches or bruises -- just tears. The trailer had acted as a cage around him. As for Makay, despite being thrown from his bike, he has only a few scratches on one knee and a scuffed up helmet. No broken bones.  No road rash. No deep cuts or bruises. He should have fallen harder than he did. I can't help but think what would have happened if the car had hit him and not the trailer -- both he and Maddux would be in very different conditions. 

So, yes.  My day has been spent not sweating the small stuff. I didn't clean the house. I didn't do the laundry. I didn't work out, and I definitely didn't count calories. I've cuddled and kissed Maddux more today than in his little three years combined. I've held Makay's hand, kissed him, hugged him, and prayed with him. It's been more impressed on my mind that these two men in my life are my life, and quite frankly, nothing else matters. 

I believe in the protecting arms of angels sent from a loving God. So thank you Poppy, Shelly, Ruby, Grandpa and Grandma Daw. Thank you unknown beautiful angel, and thank you God for my family.  Nothing else seems to matter.  


HeidiC said...

That is very scary. I am glad that everybody is ok. Good thing Makay had on his helmet!

Erica said...

Wow--haven't looked at your blog in awhile....that is so scary, I am so glad they are both ok. And congrats on the new little one. Can't wait to see photos. Hugs!