Monday, March 16, 2009

31 Weeks and Fearing...

31 Weeks Pregnant...
8 weeks to go...
{ wow }

This is me trying to kiss the baby...

Well, my posts have been few and far between this semester, and I am really regretting it. I know I will want to look back and remember these moments. I need to be more dedicated.

My pregnancy has flown by {too fast, I might add}. I'm not sure I'm ready to have this baby yet. I guess it's good I have 8 more weeks. The reality and nerves have finally hit me.
I'm having a baby. Surprise!

I have been pondering on what it means to be a mother and the responsibilities that accompany that great role. I have to admit, these pondering have often led to an increased heart rate, sweaty hands, and feelings of doubt.

I told my religion teacher that I was having a boy, and he happily proclaimed with his arms thrown in the air, "Ah! You're raising the Priesthood!" This comment was where the deep contemplations of mine began. Later that week, I was attending gospel doctrine. We had a wonderful lesson on the Priesthood and its accompanying blessings and responsibilities. I began to think about this sweet baby of mine. How am I to teach him the importance of the Priesthood and the great work that lies ahead of him as a righteous priesthood holder? How do I teach him that this responsibility goes beyond passing the sacrament? How do I teach him to trust in the Lord? How do I teach him to walk in truth? How do I teach him to love and serve those around him? How do I teach him to have clean hands and a pure heart?

I came across a scripture in Helaman 3:21. Mormon tells us that Helaman had two sons: Nephi and Lehi. He says, "And they began to grow up unto the Lord." This verse really struck me. How, as a parent, do you 'grow' your children up unto the Lord?

All of these questions have been swarming in my head searching for the needed answers. But, alas, they have not come. However, I have come to learn something very valuable. As a mother, I won't know all of the answers {despite the fact that I thought my parents knew everything}. All I need to know is this: the Lord loves my baby as much and more than I do. As I place my trust in Him, He will guide my thoughts and actions in a way that will best teach my precious little one. I know that being a wife and a mother are two of the great responsibilities I can have in this life; I know that the Lord knows this as well. He will guide me because I will be righteously seeking to do His work. I know there will be times of difficulty, but I know the Lord will be watching, guiding, and helping every step of the way;

{ As long as I am seeking, he will be leading }

There is so much I have learn on this journey... but bring it on. I know that with the Lord, Makay and I can do anything.


Lacey said...

Oh my goodness, look at your stinking cute belly!! How I wish I was there to give my cute little sister/nephew tummy kisses! You look fantastic. As for the overwhelming mommy questions, you will always have them but there is one tiny little secret I have come across.... In reality your babies actually teach you... As I have watched my boys, especially as babies, I have come to realize that they have all the answers, they know the truth, they remember our Heavenly Father and it is my job as a mommy to help them remember that, remember what it feels like, remember what they already know. It isn't easy but it isn't as scary as it feels either. They come as babies for a reason. You are going to be such a good mommy and this little baby is so lucky to have you and Makay. He is a strong little guy and will teach you more than you can ever imagine... and that will be in just the first few months.
I love you my sister and think about you often. I have no doubts that you will be amazing and find the answers when you need them. Take time to just enjoy him in your belly because one day you will miss it and wish that you had cherished it just a little bit more because right now you know he is warm, you know he is full, you know he is safe and you know he is wrapped in Heavenly Fathers arms... what more could a mommy ask for. I love you and miss you like crazy!!

Elle said...

i'm so glad you are doing well! you are going to be a great mother don't worry!! i think i feel the same way, how am i supposed to keep this child strong in the church!?!? but you are right, heavenly father will help us do things we had no idea possible. i'm so happy for you and i hope all is well with you and your husband. you look great too!!!

Carol said...

You look great Alli. Dont worry. I know that sounds easy but coming from an old lady :) believe me when I say that you are going to do a great job at being a mommy. It isn't always going to be easy and there will be days . . . . but honestly, with your attitude about turning to the Lord and he will lead the way, you are going to be just fine. I had the same emotions years ago when I had my first and even now, 31 yrs later, I often wonder, how did I do it. How did my husband and I raise 5 great kids who are stong in the gospel? And the only answer is that it was only through the Lord that it was possible. He loves you and wants you to succeed as a parent and he will send his help your way. Like your sister said - enjoy every minute with that little one in your belly. There is nothing that can compare with the whole process of having a baby. What a joy it is to see you choosing motherhood and being so concerned. That alone tells me that you are going to do great!!!! Best of luck to you in the next couple of months.

Grandma Vicki said...

My sweet,sweet little Alli, how I love you. You look so cute with your baby tummy. I wish I could say, "hello baby I love you", and then kiss your tummy. I now can tell for sure that your are pregnant. Alli, you will be the best mommy ever you have been preparing all of your life. This little boy will have an example of a righteous mother and father to guide and teach him. Both you and Mckay walk in truth and have pure hearts. I don't doubt that he will be a righteous priestholder just like his father and grandfathers.
I love you and can't wait to hold your baby in my arms.

Greg and Carly said...

You look Great! Greg and I pray every night and ask the Lord to guide us in bring up a righteous family! It's so scary but we can do it! :)

Rach said...

you made me cry. your tummy is so cute! have fun the last few weeks, and dont stress, youre going to have a blast with this little dude!!

Kemp and Whitney said...

You look so cute!