Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'll want to remember these...

Things I'll want to remember about my pregnancy:

  • We were in our room when I told Makay I was pregnant. I started crying because I was so happy. He held me with a big smile on his face.
  • I immediately started reading What to Expect When You're Expecting. I tried not to read ahead, but I failed at that every week.
  • Dawson and McKinley were the first people we let the news slip to. Dawson jumped up and down, slapped his hands together, and squealed. Kinley continued to say, "Are you serious!?"
  • I first felt the baby move at 16 weeks. I was sitting in the front room reading when I felt that little flutter once, twice, then three times. I couldn't stop smiling.
  • In the beginning of my pregnancy I loved to eat buttered toast. I had in every morning for breakfast and thought I was in heaven.
  • In the middle of my pregnancy (now) I ate at least one orange a day and had to have something with peanut butter on it.
  • No food or smell actually made me throw up, but I can't stand to look at any pictures of McDonald's McRib. It disgusts me.
  • I haven't been sick or tired at all. I've really had a wonderful pregnancy so far--knock on wood.
  • The baby will always move whenever Makay puts his hand on my belly. I'm pretty sure he's going to be a daddy's boy.


Lacey said...

LOVE it! I cannot wait to meet this little guy! He is going to be SO adorable... I cant wait!!

Britnae said...

Yay!!! I found your blog! haha.

Grandma Vicki said... the blog background you have done such a good job. Love the picutre of you and Makay you both look soooo cute. Love hearing about your pregancy. Hello Baby I love you.

Greg and Carly said...

Lets see some ultasound picutes! And more pictures of your belly! Arent you so excited to have a boy! I can't wait!

Elle said...

this is such a good idea!!! i should do the same thing! we'll just copy each other k? haha, and i love seeing that you have less than 100 days to go! crazy!! i hope life is great!

lindsey said...

heyy.. I have set our blog to private.. if you want to still be able to access it can you email me @ so I can get your address.. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I know it is crazy how fast time flys! When are you due again? I cant wait to see that little cuttie!