Friday, January 30, 2009

We're having...

I'm 24 weeks and it is finally time to announce...

We're having...

23 Weeks

...a bouncing baby boy!

We couldn't be more thrilled!


Quinn and Ashley said...

You are so beautiful. I love the picture of your tummy. Oh by the way your hair is amazingly gorgeous.

Quinn and Ashley said...

Oh... uhhhh... congratulations on the baby boy. I am sure Makay is really excited to have a baby boy. I think Quinn might be slightly jealous... shhh!

Anonymous said...

I knew it! When you asked for advice on raising a boy I knew you slipped and that it is a boy!! Yay! Now for my advice...learn to be very flexible and easy-going. Boys are crazy and have a mind of their own. And they are loud:) I love having boys. I an actually scared to have a girl, if I do have one. I love boys. They are the best!! Congrats!

Rach said...

wooo hooo!! congrats on the boy! he is going to be a stud muffin.

ps- i love this pic, you guys need to frame it and stick in the little boy's room!

Elyse said...

oh stinkin cute is that picture of u and makay! congrats, i couldn't tell ya anything about boys! but if u have a girl next time give me a jingle. :) hope everything is going really well.

Lacey said...

Whohooo! I am seriously so stinking excited for this little guy!! I cant wait for him and Becks to will be so fun! Love you!

Elle said...

YAAAAAY!!! That's awesome!! i am so happy for you guys! you will be the best mom!!!

Middletonfamily said...

Thanks for the cake info!
We are planning on this summer unless Jay gets an internship. So I guess we will just have to see as well. Good luck with dental school!

Porters said...

Congratulations, now you can start buying cute little boy clothes!

Heidi said...

Congrats! It is so exciting to find out what you are having, now you can start buying things! Yeah, our little boys can play together.

Jodi said...

I am so happy for you! A boy....well, at least you both have a lot of energy so you will be able to keep up with him! :) I say this as Sander is laying, yes laying, on top of Adelle.

Aly Porter said...

Yay! Congrats! We are so happy for you! You are going to be an absolutely wonderful mommy!! We really need to get together. When will work for you? Loves!

Kemp and Whitney said...

that's so awesome! Congrats!

Kemp and Whitney said...

Can you email me your address?