Last weekend my mom, grandma, and sister threw me a family baby shower. It was absolutely a.m.a.z.i.n.g. It was beautiful! My sister made the cutest diaper cake (picture below). I didn't know diapers could look so appealing! The food was to die for. They made the best chicken salad croissants. There was amazing fruit, vegetables, salad, candy, and truffles. I have never been to such a high-class baby shower, haha... and it was for me! It was so great. I LOVED IT! The company was outstanding as well. It was so nice to be with family that I haven't seen in such a long time.
Thanks to the amazing women in my life. You are my best friends. I appreciate all you do!

Thanks to the amazing women in my life. You are my best friends. I appreciate all you do!
My cute mom! {Clearly with Diet Coke within reach}
The food was delicious. The table setting was amazing. Doesn't it look great!
Thanks Mom, Grandma, and Lace!
I love you!
I don't know if it's pregnancy brain, but you forgot to tell us the sex of the baby!!!!
That sounded like it was fun. I love diaper cakes, I still have Michael's just because it was too cute to take apart and use the diapers.
I love how everything is "amazing;" but hey, you guys are amazing, so everything around you should be as well. It looks like you had a great time. How's Makay enjoying shoveling duties? I'm so glad I'm in Florida right now. Any word on dental school?
Congrats on the boy! Your baby shower looked awesome.
I was wondering if you how they made the diaper cake? I want to give my neighbor a baby shower. Another friend had made one too but yours is way cuter!
Also are you guys doing APX again this summer?
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