Tuesday, March 17, 2009


For my advanced visual media class {probably my favorite class of all time} we had to make a video podcast for our websites. Here it is! It took a lot of time, but I am so glad I had the opportunity to learn how to put one together.

I entered the world of design pretty late in my college career. I wish I would have stumbled upon it earlier. I took this class to soak in as much information as I could before I graduated. Due to my 20 credit schedule, I realized I wouldn't have the time needed to dedicate to the class, but I was in it for the information--not necessarily the grade. Taking this class has not only taught me so much about design, but it has also taught me how powerful a teacher's influence can be. I took my first visual media class from Caryn Esplin, and she made me fall in love with design. I loved her outlook on life and the gospel. She truly inspired me {I know, very cheesy}. I am taking my current class from her as well. As much as I am looking forward to graduation, there are so many more classes I wish I could have taken. How come hindsight can never be foresight, eh?


Lacey said...

Oh Alli, so CUTE! I must admit, I am a little teary after watching that! What an amazing journey you have been on and what an amazing journey you have ahead of you! I love you and look up to you sooooo much. Love you lots and lots!!

Grandma Vicki said...

Allison...that was wonderful. You are so talented and amazing. I loved watching your journey, I too was teary as I watched you and your accomplishments. You and Makay are on a wonder journey and both up for the ride. I hope that you are able to use your talent in creating media so that many others will benefit from what you have to give. I love you and am excited for your future!!!!!

Britnae said...

That is such an awesome thing to have!!! You did a great job. I really want to take that class now!!!

Quinn said...

Ali that was awesome!! You'll have to tell Sister Esplin I said hi, she used to be in my home ward until they moved to Rexburg

Anonymous said...

You are just adorable! I loved listening to you! I dont thing ive heard you talk in maybe 10 years....wow it's really been a long time! That was great!

Heidi said...

Wow, you did a great job. That was awsome. I hope all is well with you guys, hope to see you sometime soon.

The Williams Family said...

Wow Ali, so awesome!

Streeter Family said...

Hey remember me?! Sorry I have been so bad about keeping in touch. Congrats on having a boy. I wanted a boy for my first baby when we had Dallin. You are going to be a great mom. I am loving my little girl now too. Keep me posted on where you two end up for dental school.

Porters said...

Alli, you are amazing. I love what you did and all of your designs. I might have to pick your brain with photoshop if you guys come out here to stay. What a fantastic job!