Oh my Macy, you light up the room. Your daddy continues to give you nicknames and you respond to most of them. You answer to Macy Mace, Moo Moo, May May, Macy Gracie, Gracie Grace, Sister, and Munchkin. You wake up very happy. When I pick you up from your crib you kick your legs and arch your back in excitement. When we enter the living room you look around until you spot your daddy or your brother.
You're still in size three diapers. You have the cutest tan lines on your chunky thighs. You will take any binkie available for the most part {unlike your picky brother}. You sleep from 7:00-6:30 or 7:30, eat, then sleep until 9:00 {month 9 you slept until 5:30, not 6:30}. You love to eat; I'm pretty sure you could be eating more solids, but you have a paranoid mother. You roll, roll, roll. Still no crawling, but girl, how you roll! You can push yourself into a sitting position. Your first tooth made its grand debut just a few days ago.
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