Monday, April 12, 2010

keep your arms and feet inside and enjoy the ride...

I am overwhelmed with all of the love and support my family and I have received from all of you.  Wow.  Thank you so much for your words of comfort.  You have helped us to stand when we felt as if we could only crawl.  Thank you, thank you, thank you...

My dear neighbor from South Jordan reminded me via a comment on my previous post of one of the many mottos my dad has: keep your arms and feet inside and enjoy the ride.  When I read this I was transported back to the time of balloon blankets, ladybug outfits, basketball drills in the basement, daddy-daughter dates, and popsicles in the backyard on the hill.  This saying was apart of my childhood.  I can see my dad literally pulling in his arms and legs when he says it. I always found it amazing that he could enjoy the ride during times that were so painful and difficult: embarking into the unknown and moving to Ohio, enduring lay-offs, paying for my wedding when there seemed to be no money. He enjoyed the ride.  What amazes me now is that he is still enjoying the ride. Even though he has every reason to be mad, angry, frustrated, and numb... he's not.  He is still able to comfort me when I should be comforting him.  He hasn't forgotten or temporarily stepped down from his role as a father.  In fact, he's stepped up, if that's even possible.  He's still wrapping my pink and green balloon blanket around me and telling me no to be scared or frightened. I look up and see my big, strong daddy, and he's still able to reach out and comfort his little girl.  He amazes me every day.

Medical Update:
I keep trying to come up with an analogy for this horrid disease, but there is nothing to compare it to.  For a moment I thought I could compare it to a battle--war rather--but that's not even a fair comparison. At least the two conflicting parties in a battle have some idea of the upcoming atrocities. This disease hit us when we weren't looking. We're the quarterback who thought he was being protected when [[[ bam ]]] you're on your back.

My dad had surgery.  The tumor was removed from his colon; it was much larger than expected.  We had a small glimmer of joy when we learned the cancer had not spread to his bladder.  Hallelujah.  However, the joy paled in comparison to the pain we felt after we learned the cancer spread to the muscle. The doctor found many small tumors in the muscle wall of the abdomen.  This is much more difficult to treat.

If you want a more detailed report, my sister and I have created a blog for this family 'journey' of ours. There is a button on the left side of my blog.


To all of my Ohio friends, the good people in Ohio have helped Lacey and I put together a fundraiser for my dad.  There will be food, games, carnival, silent auction, and much more.  It will be a night of family, food, fun and support.

April 23, 2010 | 5:30pm
642 Theron Drive | Pickerington, Ohio | 43147


J & M Squared said...

I wish that I could go to the fundraiser, I am going to be out of town. I might send my husband and kids. If they don't make it should we mail our contribution and love to the Theron address? As hard as it is to write your posts, they are beautiful, thank you.

Anonymous said...

was that me?? or some other So Jo neighbor?:)

Rach said...

thanks for the up-dates, you guys are in our prayers.

i have been there, it is so hard. you are all so brave, keep praying, remember Christ, He is peace, He is love.

Megan and Adrian said...

You have strengthened me, don't lose sight of the Lord, it will be ok. Your little boy is adorable!! I send my love and prayers to you at this time!! Keep in touch, miss my friend:)

Kristin said...

One of the things that I love most about your family is that you all have such strength and ability to see the bigger picture in all of this. I wish I could be in Ohio for the fundraiser, we love you all and are praying for you!