Saturday, October 4, 2008

Good news...

Well, that cat's out of the bag so I figured I should let the blog world in on the not-so-secret secret.  Are you ready for this...

I'm Pregnant!

Yay!  I am so excited!  I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow.  Luckily for me, I have only been sick once!  The baby is due in May, and I graduate in April so the timing is pretty much perfect.  I am so excited to be a mom.   

I have been so blessed to be surrounded by such great moms.  My mom, my sister, my grandmas, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-laws, and my aunts have all been outstanding examples of what motherhood is and should be.  Now, I am not ignorant enough to believe that the road won't be rocky, but I now the blessings will greatly outweigh the hardships.  

I know that being a wife and a mother are two of the greatest callings and responsibilities I can have in this life.  I pray I can live worthily for this special and wonderful opportunity!

I hope and pray that Makay and I can create a worthy home for one of Heavenly Father's babies. 

I am so excited!


Carol said...

Alli I am so excited for you. You are going to be a great mom. Congratulations.

Michelle said...

Congratulations Alli!! That is wonderful news. You are going to be a great mom. I am glad that you are feeling well.

Lacey said...

I am so so so HAPPY for you!! I cannot wait, I cannot wait, I cannot wait! You are going to be the BEST mama ever! We love you and cannot wait for our little Polka Dot!

Elyse said...

yay alli, how exciting! what a time to raise these precious beings sent from Heavenly Father. it will be hard time but we will be so blessed to have such viliant children. our babies will be 3 months apart!! congrats and if you want to chat babies send me a message. hope the next few weeks go great for your!

James and Mary said...

congratulations alli! you must post belly pics as soon as you start showing!! you will be such a great mommy.

Kemp and Whitney said...

That's sooo awesome! You'll have to let us know if it's a boy or a girl so we can send you something.

Lindsey Bunjes said...

I am so excited for you guys! Now you are part of the club!

Caitlyn said...

I know I've said it before, but congrats! It's better than anything else in the world!

Amused Mom said...


Congratulations! I am so excited for you! I've been thinking about you a lot lately and I figured I better slow down and send you a line and I'm so glad I did so I could find out your happy news.
I'm glad you're not feeling too shabby so far! Wish you the best!

Heidi said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you guys. It would be fun if you guys came out to the same office again, so we can our little ones can play!

Jodi said...

I am so happy for you. After seeing you with my kids, I know you are going to be the best parents!! YEAA!!! Sure do miss you...

Rach said...

AHHHHH!!! YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! so fun, hope you dont barf too much, thats the worst part. SO excited, you are just like me, graduated in dec and lils was born in Jan. you can do it! the lecture seats get hard to breath in towards the end, but you can do it! seriously so excited. i loved the docs out there too, i was treated great.

Maya said...

congrats! that's so exciting :-) our babies will be just a few months apart. i hope the rest of your first trimester is morning sickness free!

Grandma Vicki said...

You will be the bestest mama ever, you were born to be a mom, I am so happy for you and Makay. I can't wait to kiss your belly and say "Hello Baby".

Elle said...

yay!! cute blog!!! i'm so happy you're going to have a baby!!! you'll be cute pregnant!! have a good weekend!

Middletonfamily said...

We are so excited for you guys! You guys will be great parents. If we all end up together this next summer it will be so fun to have more kids. Nathan loves babies, and will just sit by them and comment on their little toes. Hope you are feeling well and that the preg. will go well. Hopefully we will see you this weekend at the APX party!

Greg and Carly said...

Congrats! That's so exciting!

Elyse said...

hey alli! i would send you an email but unfornuately i dont have your address. you'll have to send me that. so how are you feeling? are you still doing okay?! i will definitely put up some belly pictures. i am finally starting to look noticably pregnant! i love it! i can't wait for you to feel your little one move around inside you. its so exciting! send me your email so we can continue to chat and not on the blogger! k so my address is 2593 Brentwood Lake Drive Reynoldsburg OH (just in case you forgot!! ;) 43068
love you and miss you girlie!

Amused Mom said...

Tag! Tell me what your quirks are. Take a peek at my blog to see what you need to do. (You'll have to scroll down a bit to find it.) :)