Monday, October 27, 2008

Bridal Shower Invitation

Well, as much as I love you all, this invitation is not for you.  I am throwing a bridal shower for my best friend from high school--Kristin McFarland--and this is the announcement I designed.  We were having some emailing issues so I decided to post it on the blog so she can see it...

Sorry!  You'll be invited next time!


Lacey said...

LOVE it! Super cute... I am telling you Christmas is your thing! Love ya sis!

Caitlyn said...

Alli that's beautiful! I'm sure she'll love it!! Have fun!

Katie said...

Alli, that is BEAUTIFUL! I wish I could join you! Thank you for helping Kristin sooo much. She is so blessed to have a friend like you in her life! You know that I love you, but I'll say it again, I love you!

Kemp and Whitney said...

wow I love it! We'll have to come to your for our invitation needs now.

Grandma Vicki said...

Alli...your invatation is amazing, your college classes have paid off. You are such a good friend, hope the shower is sucessful. Tell Kristen hi and I will see you in a couple of weeks.
Love ya...GM

Caroline said...

Erm, okay... so just so you know, when I am throwing showers for my friends, you're going to be commissioned to design the invites... if you want. That's really lovely.

Unknown said...

Those are some nice invitations! Good job! And congratulations on being pregnant, that is so exciting!!