Wednesday, October 13, 2010

[insert comical title here]

Dear posterity, 
sorry I suck at journaling. 

It's been 4.5 months since my last post. People continue to ask me about my dad's health and our family.  I keep waiting for them to update their own blog [yes, mom and dad, this is directed at you], but they don't.  How are we supposed to make a book from your experiences if you don't write them down... huh?!  Maybe if enough people comment about how much they want to hear from them, they will get their little bums in gear

The Fun Wagon [aka the Alphamale, aka my dad] is doing really well. His tumor markers are reading 3.5.  When he was first diagnosed they were at 68 [right, dad?].  Regularly, in a healthy person, these numbers are between 2 and 5. So, this means all of his tumors have shrunk and are no longer producing.  Date night with the surgeon will be on December 2. They will be removing the tumor from the liver as well as a cancerous lymph node by the aorta. The removal of the latter was no even possible four years ago.  We all feel blessed he is a candidate. 

Recovery is much for difficult from this surgery than it was from the last.  The doctor will be operating on two systems instead of one.  Though it will still take the same amount of time to fully recover [six weeks], it will be a rougher road. Your prayers are appreciated. Thank you. 

The reversal of the Colostomy will hopefully occur sometime in the middle of next year.

My dad's side effects from the chemotherapy are increasing. Especially the neuropathy in his hands.  However, all things considered, he is doing great.  

My parents are doing well.  They have both been called to teach Gospel Doctrine in their new ward [I know, I wish I could be in that class, too].  It's nice to have them closer. 

I know many of you are also wondering about my mom.  She is amazing. She will be the first to admit that the initial adjustment to moving was extremely disorienting and overwhelming.  She is even stronger than I knew her to be.  The Lord and His blessings have been very evident in her life as well as each of our lives. I struggle with being an adult child. 

It has been interesting to watch my parents from an adult-daughter's perspective. I am a daughter, but I so crave to be a friend, a confidant. How am I to be seen as both? 


My little Maddux is doing well. He is giving kisses, pointing up to the sky when he hears an airplane, laughing at dogs, playing in the toilet :( ... and worst of all, hitting. How do I get him to stop hitting? Most of the time they are love taps, but sometimes ... sometimes that little munchkin hits on purpose.  I can see it on his smug little face.  I tried to put him in time out one time.  I sat him on the toilet, looked in his eyes and said, "You are in time out, mister!"  Obviously I need to start working on my poker face because I busted our laughing when he started smiling at me.

 It's amazing how I can be so frustrated with him one moment, only to be so in-love with him the next. A parent's love is truly a mystery. 

My smokin' hot husband is doing well as well.  He is laying right next to me at this moment, romantically serenading me with his snores. Poor guy.  He's so tired.  He is such a hard worker.  School is going really well for him. He was just awarded a $1000.00 scholarship.  I'm so proud of him. Next semester [last one, yay!] he has to complete 250 clinical hours.  Ugh, my feet hurt for him just thinking about it.  

He has been called to be the Varsity coach as well as the Teacher's Quorum Advisor.  He has done such a good job with the young men. He goes above and beyond.  This is why I fell in love with him. Now, I'm not going to be an 'ooey, gooey, I have a perfect marriage' blogger, but I don't give that sweet lover of mine enough credit.  He truly is the best man I know.  He is an amazing husband and father.  I'm blessed to have him. 

As for me, I'm amazing. Uh-huh.  I ran an entire 5k! Okay, okay.  So I know that's not amazing, but it's cool, right?  Very cool.  Yeah, I'm awesome. 

Thanks, LoraAnn.  I seriously could not and would not have done it without you.  You truly are the amazing one. 


Aaron and Julie said...

disciplining is so hard when it comes to your little ones. We kind of have the same problem with molly. Some days are better than others one thing that worked for 'pushing that maybe you could change to hitting is we don't push people we push walls or furniture' then molly goes around thinking its funny to push walls. so maybe direct your little guys hitting on something else ; ) good luck, glad you are doing well!!

Serena said...

Another consideration is when they do something that needs to be disciplined you take them by their arms and firmly plop them on their bottoms. Then use a firm no. It usually immediately shuts down the bad behavior as they are now on the their bottoms on the floor and being scolded. They don't like being, in a sense, knocked off their feet and will catch on real quick how to avoid it. I got this advise from a prediatrician and it worked for me. We did time out too when they were older. Good luck

Serena said...

Opps, forgot most important part, after you feel they've sat there long enough (you don't let them immediately pop back up), scoop them up, reiterate, 'No hitting mom!...or Scott....or blossom' (whoever got hit), give a big love, then let them know how much you love them.

Eric Oba said...

congrats on your 5k! and your son looks absolutely adorable! thank you for being a wonderful example for us! your family will be in our prayers as well.

Lacey said...

So... umm... yes, you are amazing! Is there anything you cannot do...nope. You are super mom, wife, sister, friend, etc., etc, etc. I am so proud of you and only wish that you lived closer! You are the best!! Love you!

Elle said...

oh my alli! your little maddux is so adorable! maggie would probably fall head over heels for him ;) i'm glad to hear your dad is getting better. don't worry about your lack of postings, blogging isn't the most important thing in the world! i hope you are doing well!

Katie Cotton said...
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Katie Cotton said...

I love reading your blog and I enjoy seeing how your family is doing!

Hitting is a phase but it is important to try and end it early on. Since maddux is still pretty little, you could try a kind loving touch to show him what he should do. (ex. touch him gently and then take his hand and have him do a gentle touch.)

When Peyton got older and understood no hitting, we did immediate time out. To avoid potty training issues later... timeout space shouldn't be the toilet:)

I am sure you are doing wonderful!
Plus, you have a great support system between your mom and sister.

Awesome Job on your 5K!!

With love,
Katie Cotton

Kemp and Whitney said...

I love the pictures of you son. He's going to be a heart breaker!

Kristin said...

Again, I am so proud of you for your 5K! And thanks for the update on your family, I'm glad to hear how things are going, and even happier that it seems positive! I'm glad that Makay is almost done with school, that's going to be awesome for you guys! Love and miss you!

J & M Squared said...

You are awesome!! Maddux is absolutely adorable!

Porters said...

It was so good to hear about your family. Thanks for the update on your parents and glad that they have been given some good news and we will always have them in our prayers. And Alli you are an amazing person! I love reading your blog and your sisters, you both have such a great way of sharing your experiences, Thanks for that. Don't worry about your little guy, mine is 3 and thinks it's still funny to hit his sisters. Boys, well their just crazy! Please tell your family we're thinking of them often and we look forward to hearing how eveything goes in Dec.