I've had a lot of people ask me if we've found out the sex of the baby... and the answer is yes! However, you're going to have to wait until Monday to find out! My family is flying into Salt Lake to drop my brother off at the MTC this weekend! While they are in Salt Lake, my mom, sister and grandma will be throwing me a Family Baby Shower (emphasis on family so don't feel bad that you weren't invited! Friend baby shower is definitley coming... don't your worry!). They are calling the shower "The Big Reveal!" This is the event where, as you can guess, I reveal the sex of the baby! How exciting! I want everyone to know that we couldn't be more thrilled though! We are SO SO excited!
The baby is moving a lot these days. He/she is always kicking me in the bladder which definitely makes for uncomfortable 3 hours classes! Though uncomfortable at times, I enjoy every kick, move and flutter. I always stop what I am doing and place my hand over the movement. It has been such an amazing experience being pregnant. I have really enjoyed every single moment. I am starting to feel apprehensive about being a mother. Am I ready? I am so content with taking care of the baby while it is inside me, but am I capable of being a good mother once he/she enters the world?
I am sure my child will raise me as much as I raise him... or her.

This is Ryan and my niece Kylie during the October General Conference. Kylie LOVED Ryan and just couldn't get enough of him.
On a different note, my brother is headed into the mission field! He received his endowments this Friday (January 16th for journal sake). He gave his farewell talk in church today. He spoke for a full 13 minutes! I was so proud! I wish I could have been there. Ryan and I have been close our entire lives. We played together when we were little, I taught him how to speak, I buttered his rolls, I pretended to be a 'hair person' and would put almost an entire bottle of gel in his hair, and the list goes on. He was up in Rexburg last semester, and I had a blast with him here. It was so fun to have our lives overlap for that time. I am so proud of him and the choices he is making. He will be serving in Santa Rosa, California, and I couldn't be happier for him. I love you, Ry!

These pictures were taken at the end of Fall 2008 semester. He was leaving BYU-Idaho for home. I was more emotional than the pictures show and he... well, he wasn't as emotional as the pictures show... haha...
The baby is moving a lot these days. He/she is always kicking me in the bladder which definitely makes for uncomfortable 3 hours classes! Though uncomfortable at times, I enjoy every kick, move and flutter. I always stop what I am doing and place my hand over the movement. It has been such an amazing experience being pregnant. I have really enjoyed every single moment. I am starting to feel apprehensive about being a mother. Am I ready? I am so content with taking care of the baby while it is inside me, but am I capable of being a good mother once he/she enters the world?
I am sure my child will raise me as much as I raise him... or her.
This is Ryan and my niece Kylie during the October General Conference. Kylie LOVED Ryan and just couldn't get enough of him.
On a different note, my brother is headed into the mission field! He received his endowments this Friday (January 16th for journal sake). He gave his farewell talk in church today. He spoke for a full 13 minutes! I was so proud! I wish I could have been there. Ryan and I have been close our entire lives. We played together when we were little, I taught him how to speak, I buttered his rolls, I pretended to be a 'hair person' and would put almost an entire bottle of gel in his hair, and the list goes on. He was up in Rexburg last semester, and I had a blast with him here. It was so fun to have our lives overlap for that time. I am so proud of him and the choices he is making. He will be serving in Santa Rosa, California, and I couldn't be happier for him. I love you, Ry!
These pictures were taken at the end of Fall 2008 semester. He was leaving BYU-Idaho for home. I was more emotional than the pictures show and he... well, he wasn't as emotional as the pictures show... haha...
I am so excited for our little baby!! I am sorry that you have to wait to tell everyone...it is brutal...but I blame that all on mom ;) You will be a fantastic mama and I hope, hope, hope that you will be in Vegas for at least some of your motherhood so that I can learn from your amazing example! Thanks for the update on Ryans farewell..nobody will answer their phones so I hadn't heard about it yet! Love you and see you in a few days!
You will be an excellent mommy, I am so excicited for our new little boy/girl.. Ryan is so lucky to have you for a sister you are the very best. See you soon.
haha, you're such a little stinker! making everybody wait! ;) that's a good way to reveal it though! i hope life is great and i'm so happy for you guys!
I was there for Ryan's farewell talk and let me just tell you it was very Ryanesque!
You know what I mean!
We are excited for you and baby, you will be a great mother after all you had a great example!
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